Shit Happens familie pocket editie
Shit Happens familie pocket editie
Na de populaire Shit Happens 18+ editie hebben we nu ook een variant die geschikt is voor het gezin (14+). De Shit Happens Familie Editie is een leuk en brutaal gezelschapsspel waarin je de ergste situaties ooit tegenkomt. Het is aan de spelers om ze correct te rankschikken op de Shit'O'Meterschaal van 1 tot 100.
If you order before 2 p.m., your order will be shipped the same day. Usually* your package will be delivered the next working day.
Would you like to receive your pre-order on release day?
Then order 1 day before release before 2 pm! Then we will do everything we can to ship your order that day. For example, you usually* delivered your order on release day.*Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that your order will be delivered the next day. We have no control over possible delays at our shipping partners. You can always track your order online via track and trace! But we do our best as always!
You can return your order or part of it within 14 days after you have received the order. Please contact us via email or chat for this. We will then process your return as quickly as possible.